Campaign to Address the Global Public Health Impact of



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Philip Morris World Tour



Altria Group, the parent company of Philip Morris USA and Philip Morris International, the world’s largest multinational tobacco company, will spinoff Philip Morris International on March 28, 2008.

Measured by units, 80 percent of Philip Morris’ sales are outside of the United States. According to the World Health Organization, tobacco kills 5 million people annually worldwide; by 2025, it will kill an estimated 10 million annually, 70% in developing countries. Decisions that an independent PMI makes will have major global public health ramifications.

Over 155 organizations in more than 70 countries are calling on governments worldwide to take action to ensure that the separation of Philip Morris International and Philip Morris USA does not worsen the tobacco epidemic.

Click here for the full text of the demands

Check out the Philip Morris World Tour 2006-2007

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